Rhea Eady, MSW, RSW

Like many, Rhea wears an array of hats. She is the founder of Sacred Moon Therapies, a mother, sister, daughter, lover of the land, sacred space holder, and a Registered Social Worker. In some spaces, people identify her as a medicine woman. She adores supporting those who yearn to lead a heart-centered life. Many people she serves are awake to the impact of their lived experiences and are seeking deeper healing and more purpose in their lives.

She sees life as a mystery, including the challenges, sorrows, celebrations and joys which create the rich tapestry of our unique experiences. Rhea enjoys working with those open(ing) to their spiritual gifts, and those curious about understanding their emotional patterns, relationships & inner landscape. She takes an attachment focused lens and is certified in EMDR. She loves guiding leaders, professionals, mystics, creatives, and healers through challenges so they can live a grounded, potent, and meaningful life.

Rhea grew up on the land surrounded by plants, animals, and the rhythms of nature. She is an empath and a lightworker, deeply grounded in her clinical abilities and anchored in her gifts. Rhea is a seeker of themes and patterns, and a connector of dots. She aims to empower.

“The moon is whole all the time, but we can’t always see it. What we see is an almost moon or not-quite moon. The rest is hiding just out of view, but there’s only one moon, so we follow it in the sky. We plan our lives based on its rhythms and tides.” - Jeanette Winterson

Training Background

Rhea has been a working professional for over 20 years. Her clinical work began in 2011 when she began working as a Registered Massage Therapist. This is where she embodied extensive knowledge about how the body holds stress & trauma, the central nervous system, injuries, muscle memory and beyond. In addition, listening to and learning about anxiety, grief, depression, relationship issues, gender transition, perinatal and phase of life issues while clients were on the treatment table.

Simultaneously, Rhea studied and became a Labour Doula and Childbirth educator and spent 11 years working with adults, couples, and families as they navigated trying to conceive, conception, birth, unexpected outcomes, unplanned pregnancies, infant loss, parenting challenges and relationship transitions.

Rhea received her academic training at the University of Windsor in the form of a Bachelor of Social Work (2020) and then a Master of Social Work (2021). She has completed training in EMDR, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT,) Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, and Advanced EMDR+ IFS and Implicit Trauma Trainings. She participates in monthly clinical supervision with Joy Lang in addition to weekly professional peer case consultations. She considers herself lucky to continue to be mentored by some of the best in the field such as Dr. Laurel Hicks, PhD, RYT, LCSW.

In addition to evidence based science and wisdom, Rhea has spent years studying traditional medicines, including plant, energy, ritual, and ceremony. She holds a Masters in Reiki and energy healing, has a deep prayer practice, and is a believer in spirit, creator, and the great mystery.