Thanks for thinking about us as a potential part of your therapeutic journey.

The content below aims to answer many common questions.

Our Style/Approach

Our style is present-focused, holistic, non-judgmental, and connection based. We often focus on somatic sensations (what’s happening within the body) and the mind-body-spirit connection. We are always active in sessions. You can expect us to help guide conversations, provide reflections, and teach skills. With that said, the best way to determine if one of our team members are a good fit is to meet for a consultation. This will help you get a sense of chemistry and whether you feel as though one of our clinicians can be helpful to you. 



Each therapist uses a variety of therapeutic modalities. We love to integrate evidence-based therapies with esoteric wisdom. As Registered Social Workers, we also often incorporate mindfulness into our practices. Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, motives, and behaviors. Therapy helps us understand our “stories”; the experiences that shaped us, the defenses that have helped protect us, and the patterns or habits that may be preventing us from living a satisfying life.


What to Expect

We will likely begin with weekly or biweekly sessions. We are sensitive to budgets, and we can determine a cadence that feels comfortable to you. During the first couple of sessions, we will help you identify and prioritize your goals for therapy. As therapists we hold these goals in mind throughout the course of our work together. As your goals are reached and new ones arise, we will check-in periodically to discuss progress. Our objective is to support and empower you in ways that result in you feeling better. As we progress, time between appointments often decreases at a rate that you are comfortable with. 

Session Locations

We will meet via a HIPAA-compliant video platform or in-person in Peterborough.  


Our fees for individual therapy vary depending on clinician. While we do not bill insurance directly, we are happy to provide clients with receipts to submit to their insurance company for reimbursement.  We will also work on a sliding scale if needed and/or shift our fees or refer out if your financial situation changes.



Currently, we have availability to see clients during the week. After-work and after-school hours (evening) typically fill up quickly. We do my best to accommodate clients during these coveted time slots.